Sunday, July 17, 2016

How to Test Website Speed


Here we will learn about different tools to test your website speed. First we have to know why should we be concerned about website speed and how does it effect on your online business.

Users have many options when browsing content on internet. If a website takes long to load its content then user will leave the site and move to other websites. And coming to e-commerce trends, Amazon sold average of 426 items per second in 2014.If anytime amazon experiences 1 sec delay in loading website it would have lost lot of money.Cloud service provider akamai reported that 75% of online shoppers who experience a slow site will not purchase from that site.

So what is causing delay on your website? It is mostly because of images. Images occupy more space than the remaining. And there are other modules which impact on website speed. So here are some techniques to test your website speed and know what causing your webpages load slow. :With this tool you can analyse your website by entering your website url, then you will get page speed score for mobile and desktop. And it will identify the modules which delayed page load. And it will guide you how to fix these issues.

test your website speed

Pingdom : It will show how much time every element or page takes to load in your website, here we can know exactly what element or page causing delay.It will also give how much faster than other tested websites in percentile.It is also available as pro version where it will test and verify your websites availability every minute automatically and you can analyze performance data to see how fast your website loads for users from a specific country, browser, or device.

Screenshot from 2016-01-08 11-30-07-compressed

GTmetrix : It is similar to pingdom but also provides page load time history for a particular website and it provides score and explanations for each recommendation, and gives you actionable advice. The recommendations are ordered in terms of which have the most impact on your site. Fixing items at the top of your list can have a bigger impact on your overall score.
There are also other websites available to test your website speed 

When your website is slow or down for a while it means decrease in visitors or users and even lower search engine rankings. Google has announced they are using page speed in their ranking algorithm.
Is your website is down?
You have a website which has limited bandwidth, if suddenly your website users increased then your bandwidth usage will also be increased. If bandwidth usage exceeds the allowed bandwidth usage for website then your website will not work. Or there may be other reasons that your website go down are server maintenance, coding errors, DNS changes or internet connectivity issues etc..

Here are some of the services that you can check any website down for everyone or just you.


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