Saturday, January 16, 2016

Free Backlink Generator, Search Engine Submission and Bulk Ping Service

ADS is a service free of charge and geared towards SEO professionals, webmasters and internet marketers. It has a limited server capacity that allows on average ~5 parallel users. In case of a connection interruption, the site is designed to automatically re-connect and continue the submission process after the last successfull entry. All URL's are evaluated and verified before submission in order to avoid spam and/or illegal activity. provides you at the submissions end with a PDF report that lists results summarized as well as in greater detail. If you like this service, please share and spread the word. Thanks! :) is a multi-URL, multi-submission service. It will expose your URL's to a huge amount of web-crawlers/spiders and speed up the time of getting listed and indexed on search engines. does submission of multiple URL's in three categories: Pseudo Search Engine, XML-RPC Ping Service and Pseudo Backlinks.

Pseudo Search Engine Submission: It enters your URL's in the respective search engine search bar. Typically these entries get stored in an internal database and evaluated later on. A direct URL entry increases your chance to get your site noticed and then crawled by a spider.

XML-RPC Ping Service Submission: Submits your URL directly to a wide list of blog listing services that keep track of the current web ecosphere. An XML-RPC submission increases your chance to get crawled and noticed by the important services, leading to a potentially faster indexing of your content.

Pseudo Backlink Submission: Creates simple lookup requests on internet service related websites like Info, Statistics, About or Whois domains about your URL. After the submission, an URL gets usually added to an internal DB that itself gets crawled in short intervals by search spiders.

A "Bulk" is a generalized term for a submission to one of the services. passively assists in search engine indexing. Search engine indexing is the process of a search engine (e.g. Google) collecting, parsing and storing data for the later use by itself. Search engine spiders ("Crawlers"), are the means how the index retrieves information. Spiders visit websites and send the content found to the index. This "Index" is the place where all the collected data is stored. It provides the results for entered search queries. Pages that are stored within the index can appear on the search results page.

Without the index a search engine would be required to conduct a tremendous effort each time a search query is initiated. To ensure that it is not missing something, the search engine would have to search every web page and piece of information it has access to. The index is therefore the central element to keep web search feasible.

As the web grows, the index does so too: Google's index was estimated to be as big as 100 million (!) gigabytes in mid-2015. The index's architecture consists of 2 major components: "Design" is about how data is stored, "Structure" about how data is accessed and processed. Both determine the way the crawler's input is written to the index: Into account are taken the file format (html,pdf,...), language detected and meta data available. A SE like Google will also look into compressed archives as ZIP or RAR.

A user entering a search query orders the index to output a given amount of matched entries towards the next higher layer where "Ranking" takes place. Ranking is the process of sorting the results in order to display the most relevant on top. At Google, ranking is based on 6 major categories:

Site Qualitye.g. PageRank, Bounce Rate, Unique visitors
FreshnessEspecially important on events happening right now
Safe SearchRemoves adult, spam and harmful websites
User ContextTakes into account a users search history and location
TranslationTailors results according to a users language
Universal SearchDecides on coresponding news, images, videos or maps

Google does also a manual evaluation of search results (called "Precision Search", processing a volume of ~40.000 sites/year). After ranking is complete, results are being shown to the user. assists you in the first step, namely notifying the SE spiders to crawl your site. is a service free of charge and geared towards SEO professionals, webmasters and internet marketers. It has a limited server capacity that allows on average ~5 parallel users. In case of a connection interruption, the site is designed to automatically re-connect and continue the submission process after the last successfull entry. All URL's are evaluated and verified before submission in order to avoid spam and/or illegal activity. provides you at the submissions end with a PDF report that lists results summarized as well as in greater detail. If you like this service, please share and spread the word. Thanks! :)



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