Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Best Calendar Apps For Android


The default calendar app that comes pre-installed on many android devices does not have the most exciting features and while it can perform most simple tasks, why limit yourself when there is a plethora of wonderful third-party calendar apps on the Google Play Store?

We have selected 10 of the best android calendar apps, all of which are available for free! Even if you don’t like any of them, you can always go with Google’s calendar app which features a much more beautiful design and offers more functionality than the stock android calendar app.

Choose the best Calendar App for your Android

1. Sunrise Calendar


Sunrise calendar has been my go-to calendar app for a while now because of it’s excellent features that I just can’t do without. First, it syncs just fine with Google Calendar and Google Tasks, but you can also connect your Exchange or iCloud account with the app. In addition, Sunrise integrates with several apps and productivity tools such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Wunderlist, Todoist, Trello, Evernote and more so you can see all your important upcoming events from one place. Creating new events are a breeze and it’s Meet keyboard also helps to speed up the process of scheduling meetings and such stuff. Sunrise is also available on iOS and as a Chrome app so you can access your calendar no matter the device you use.
Developer – Microsoft Corporation
Compatibility – Requires Android 4.0 and up
Availability – Sunrise Calendar (Free) – Google Play Store (Also available for iOS, Chrome, Apple Watch).

2. Google Calendar


Google’s own calendar app is a great example of how material design should be and will be a delight to use for people who synchronize with Google Calendar. There are as many as five different views to select from such as the regular Weekly, Monthly and Daily views but you also get a schedule view which simply removes the empty spaces in each day and allows you to focus on only scheduled events day by day. Creating new entries is as easy as it gets and you can send invites to people as well as add notes and attachments from Google Drive for each unique calendar entry.
Developer – Google
Compatibility – Varies with device
Availability – Google Calendar (Free) – Google Play Store

3. aCalendar


aCalendar is another terrific app you should try out especially if you like it fast and smooth. It’s install size is only 1.8 Mb which makes it the lightest calendar app on this list but that doesn’t mean it lacks quality features as you will see. It helps you organise your events by providing up to 48 different colours as well as flexible re-occurrences for your events. There is a fine selection of widgets for the day, week and month views plus it uses the native android calendar function to synchronize events between apps and devices. There is also a pro version called aCalendar+ which offers additional features for $1.99.
Developer – Tapir Apps GmbH
Compatibility – Requiers Android 2.1 and later
Availability – aCalendar – Android Calendar (Free) – Google Play Store

4. Jorte Calendar and Organiser

Jorte Calendar is an intuitive calendar app that can run on any device running android 2.1 and up. In addition to regular features that most calendar apps offer such as multiple views and widget support, Jorte Calendar allows you to set different themes to customise the look of your calendar and even add stickers for important occasions or highlight them in red. There is a count-down feature which allows you to count-down the days to a big event. Jorte syncs with Google Calendar, Exchange and Yahoo but you can also export your events to a CSV file if you prefer.
Developer – Jorte Inc.
Compatibility – Requires Android 2.1 and later
Availability – Jorte Calendar and Organiser (Free) – Google Play Store

5. Business Calendar 2


Business Calendar 2 was built to succeed the hugely successful Business Calendar app which has since been abandoned. It is a powerful and easy to use app that includes task management and event planner as well as integrated weather reports in the pro version. It is highly customisable and offers various settings you can tweak to your personal tastes. It also syncs with Google Calendar and Exchange and there are no ads. It’s pro version (called Business calendar PRO) is available as an in-app purchase and costs $4.44.

Developer – Appgenix Software
Compatibiltiy – Requires android 4.1 and up
Avauilability – Business Calendar (Free) – Google Calendar

6. Cal


Cal is another app from the developers of the highly rated productivity app. If you’re using (like I am), you should try this app as it’s integration with is top notch so you can manage all your tasks and events in one place. Cal supports synchronization with Google Calendar and Microsoft Exchange so you can easily port your existing calendars here. It’s excellent integration with Facebook will make sure you never forget a friend’s birthday again and you can even purchase gifts for them from Amazon or
Developer –
Compatibility – Requires Android 4.0 and up
Availability – Cal – Calendar Google/Exchange (Free) – Google Play Store

7. Digical Calendar

DigiCal calendar is one of the most beautifully designed calendar app on this list, and it’s highly customisable too! It syncs with Outlook, Exchange and Google Calendar but you can also create a local calendar that is only accessible on your local device. There are 6 widgets with different views and styles and a night mode which allows for better visibility in low-light conditions. It’s premium version, DigiCal+, offers extra customisation with up to 42 theme colours and a yearly view with heat maps for spotting free time.

Developer – Digbites
Compatibility – Varies with device
Availability – Digical Calendar (Free) / ($4.62) – Google Play Store

8. Sol Calendar


SolCalendar is another highly rated calendar app with a huge 4.5 average rating of over 1 million users. It synchronizes with Google Calendar, iCloud, Microsoft Exchange and Yahoo so you’re pretty much covered if you use any of those services. It has a clean and unique interface and supports Month, Week, To-do and Agenda views. It helps manage special events in a unique way by offering stickers to mark memorable events and also offers various repeat options for your tasks. Also, you get location-based weather forecast information through this app and plenty of widgets for your homescreen. All in all, it’s a solid calendar app worth checking out.

Developer – Kakao Corp.
Compatibility – Requires Android
Availability – SolCalendar – Calendar / To do (Free) – Google Play Store.

9. New Calendar


New Calendar is a decent app that works fine with Google Calendar. It supports most regular calendar functions and has support for daily, weekly, monthly and yearly views. There are up to 10 widgets to select from but perhaps it’s most outstanding feature is the voice reminders (using Text To Speech) which works brilliantly.

Developer – KF Software House
Compatibility – Requires Android 4.0.3 and up
Availability – New Calendar (Free)

10. Coletto Calendar


Now for something unique, Coletto Calendar is a colourful app that helps you manage your appointments, tasks, diaries and photos. Coletto appears to be targeted at girls and women only. You enter diary entries or memos from this app or even sensitive information such as the expected date of your next menstrual cycle and such stuff. It works with Google Calendar if you’re keen on syncing your stuff across various devices.

Developer – Yahoo! Japan Corp.
Compatibility – Requires android 2.3.5 and later

Availability – Coletto Calendar ~ Cute Diary (Free) – Google Play Store

Techniques to Empower Yourself to Live a More Productive, Happier Life


1. Accept that awful stuff happens.

The usual reaction to things not going your way is to resist and fight against them. By accepting things as they are, even though you don’t want them to be that way, you’ll develop a more peaceful state of mind. Saying a mantra will help – “I hate things being this way but I accept that this is my reality just now. I’ll work through this situation calmly and resolutely.” Slowly but surely, you will empower yourself.

2. Adopt a flexible attitude.

Being flexible means you can face daily changes without creating too great a stress reaction in your body. When something’s not working, be ready to consider other ideas. Changing your approach to meet the change in circumstances is essential for a happier and more successful future.

3. See challenges as opportunities for growth.

Ask yourself what you can learn from challenges as they arise. Is this a chance to become stronger? By turning these situations into positives, you’ll avoid resorting to overeating and other negative behaviors – the most usual ways of coping.


4. Use questions to empower you.

Instead of asking disempowering questions such as, “Why is this happening to me?” use a more positive question format. Questions that invite creative thinking are the best. An example might be, “What alternative actions could I take in these changing circumstances?”

5. Change negative thoughts to positive.

Negative thoughts that harbor unhelpful beliefs only hold you back from achieving. So monitor your thoughts. When you’re aware that they are negative, change them immediately into positive thoughts. You’ll be amazed at how much happier and confident you’ll feel.

6. Relish change.

Realize when it’s time to change direction. Often we think of change as negative. But change can be very exciting and positive. Embrace new thoughts, new opportunities and new ways of living. Even though change is difficult to initiate, sometimes it’s essential.


7. Calm yourself when you’re getting uptight.

When you’re calm, you are in control. You’ll think through the problem with more clarity. Make time to listen to relaxing music, or sit quietly and visualize a place where you’ve been that evokes calm and contentment. It will help you focus on what’s really important.

8. Believe you’re good enough.

It’s too easy to think you’re not good enough to get through difficult situations. Look at your abilities. Tell yourself that you are awesome and you can handle anything that can possibly be thrown at you. Believe in yourself.

9. Face reality.

Don’t try to hide from problems that present themselves. Come face to face with them and persevere no matter what. It’s a tough thing to do, that’s for sure. Look for solutions in unusual places.

10. Prepare yourself for busy times.

When weighed down by being too busy, prioritize your jobs until life becomes more manageable. Sticking to a plan will help you get back on track. Start each day with the most immediate job on your list.

11. Encourage and help others.

Take every opportunity to be a source of hope and encouragement to others. Looking outward instead of inward gives opportunity for you to contribute to the well-being of others. Your happiness and confidence levels will rise.

12. Make each day sparkle.

Instead of letting doubts, worries and fears about what might happen creep into your day, look for ways to make your day sparkle. Be positive about the fabulous things that lie ahead. You don’t know what those things might be, but that’s okay. You’ll move forward with excitement and courage. Shawn Achor’s TED Talk, How to Make the Present More Positive, includes some enjoyable ideas for staying positive and focused.

13. Be full of thanks.

Thinking about all those things that are going right in your life, keeps life in perspective. Be grateful for the now – for where you are at the present time. Now is the start of big things to come. Being grateful helps you see there is so much that usually is taken for granted. Gratitude improves productivity and leads to happiness.

14. Schedule play time.

For your body to remain in balance, you need to have work time and play time. Your brain and mind will benefit from varying what you do each day, particularly if you include some fun time in your schedule. Follow this with diligence and notice how you feel. There’ll be a spring in your step – even a lasting smile.


15. Get physical.

Spend some time outdoors every day. Being physical, through aerobic activities, gives you the energy to carry you through the difficult times. Exercise will help you reach your goals. You’ll be charged with enthusiasm for all things positive.

16. Take time out.

Take regular mental breaks such as mindfulness. Being mindful enables you to be more accepting of yourself. Sit somewhere quiet. Breathe in to energize your whole body. As you breathe out, believe that anxiety and tension are leaving your body.

17. Stay connected.

Spend time with people whose company you enjoy. It’s important to stay connected to friends and family, so you have people who can encourage you. You’ll appreciate their support.

18. Be an optimist.

Understand that life consists of hill and valley cycles. This doesn’t mean that you react positively to good days and feel down-in-the-dumps on the not-so-good days. It means being optimistic that the good days ahead will carry you through the very difficult days, without suffering excess stress.


19. Laugh often – and “live happily ever after”.

Laughing will help you cope better with any difficult situation. Of course it’s not easy to laugh when you’re going through a rough patch. But lightening up when you see a funny sign along the way, or smiling back at someone who is happy, can do wonders for you. You’ll have a bubble and sparkle that wasn’t there before.

Finally . . . . .

Let the stepping stones metaphor remind you that despite life’s inevitable missteps, many rewarding opportunities and moments lie ahead. The crucial thing is not what actually happens as you travel through life, but how you respond to what happens.

Choose to use some of these 19 stepping stones . . . . . and enjoy a happier, calmer and more productive life as you learn to empower yourself. 

Friday, October 16, 2015



All people of the world are equal

The Guru Granth Sahib promotes the message of equality of all beings and at the same time state that Sikh believers "obtain the supreme status" (SSGS, Page 446). Discrimination of all types is strictly forbidden based on the Sikh tenet Fatherhood of God which states that no one should be reckoned low or high, stating that instead believers should –reckon the entire mankind as One (Akal Ustat, 15.85).
Sri Guru Granth Sahib promotes the concept of equality by highlighting the fact that we are made of the same flesh, blood and bone and we have the same light of God with us – Soul . Our building bricks are the same:
The God-conscious being is always unstained, like the sun, which gives its comfort and warmth to all. The God-conscious being looks upon all alike, like the wind, which blows equally upon the king and the poor beggar.
The Gurus also encourage believers to promote social equality by sharing earnings with those in need.

Women's Status

Main article: Women in Sikhism
Guru Nank Dev Ji said "Sikhi does not teach you to raise your hand on a women it teaches you to respect them"
Sikhism also preaches that equal respect should be given to women.
In the earth and in the sky, I do not see any second. Among all the women and the men, His Light is shining.[1]


Sikhism is strictly monotheistic in its belief. This means that God is believed to be the one and sole Reality in the cosmos, meaning that no other being have extra-human power. Sikh Gurus state that God alone is worthy of worship, and the highest end of existence, that is mukti or liberation can come through Devotion to God alone.
Besides its monotheism, Sikhism also emphasizes another philosophical idea, which is known as monism, a philosophical position which argues that the variety of existing things can be explained in terms of a single reality or substance. Furthermore one of the tenet of the religion is the belief that the world is only a "vision" or illusion (Maya) and that God is the sole "Continuing Reality" so that selfishness, egoism and hate are meaningless.
God is merciful and infinite. The One and Only is all-pervading.
He Himself is all-in-all. Who else can we speak of? God Himself grants His gifts, and He Himself receives them.
Coming and going are all by the Hukam of Your Will; Your place is steady and unchanging. (20,1)

Speak and live truthfully

Sikhs believe in the importance of truthful living, which can only be created by purity of mind and not through religious purification rites. They believe that impurity of mind leads to many other vices such as anger, lust, attachment, ego, and greed.
So how can you become truthful? And how can the veil of illusion be torn away?
O Nanak, it is written that you shall obey the Hukam of His Command, and walk in the Way of His Will.

Control the five vices

Devotees of Guru Sahib believe they must control the animal instincts of Pride/Ego, Anger/Temper, Greed/Urges, Attachment/Dependency and Lust/Addiction.
All virtues are obtained, all fruits and rewards, and the desires of the mind; my hopes have been totally fulfilled.
The Medicine, the Mantra, the Magic Charm, will cure all illnesses and totally take away all pain.
Lust, anger, egotism, jealousy and desire are eliminated by chanting the Name of the Lord.

Live in God's hukam

A Sikh believes they should live and accept the command of God easily and without too much emotional distress. They attempt to live in contentment and in Chardikala (positive attitude).
He wanders around in the four quarters and in the ten directions, according to the dictates of his karma.
Pleasure and pain, liberation and reincarnation, O Nanak, come according to one's pre-ordained destiny.


The Sikh religion emphasizes several other virtues: Truth (Sat), contentment (santokh), Love (Ishq), Compassion/Mercy (daya), Service (seva), Charity (dana), forgiveness (ksama), humility (nimrata), patience (dheerjh), non-attachment (vairagya) and renunciation (taiga).
These believers attempt to avoid anger (krodh), egoism (ahankara), avarice (lobh), lust (kama), infatuation (moha), sinful acts (papa), pride (man), doubt (duvidha), ownership (mamata), hatred (vair), and hostility (virodh). In the Sikh religion, freedom from these vices, or Sahaj, is attained through tension-free, ethical living, grounded in spirituality avoiding self-mortification and other religious rites of cleansing.
First, is the Lord's Praise; second, contentment; third, humility, and fourth, giving to charities. Fifth is to hold one's desires in restraint. These are the five most sublime daily prayers.
Humility is the word, forgiveness is the virtue, and sweet speech is the magic mantra. Wear these three robes, O sister, and you will captivate your Husband Lord. ((127))

10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Sikhism


Despite being one of the world’s largest world religions, Sikhism remains one of the most unknown traditions in America. The lack of understanding has led to serious consequences, including discriminatory policies, bigoted stereotypes, traumatic school bullying and violent hate crimes.
Here is a list of 10 things that the global community ought to know about its Sikh neighbors.

1. Sikhism is an independent religion.

A number of people mistakenly think Sikhism is an offshoot of Hinduism, an offshoot of Islam, or a blend of the two religions. While the category of religion is itself problematic, scholars and practitioners alike classify Sikhism as an independent religion.
The Sikh tradition carries the basic markers of organized religion, including its own founder-prophet (Guru Nanak), scripture (Guru Granth Sahib), discipline and ceremonies (rahit), and community centers (gurdwara). There are more than 27 million Sikhs worldwide, making it the fifth largest world religion.

2. Rooted in oneness and love, Sikh theology encourages a life of spirituality and service.

Oneness and love serve as the foundations of Sikh theology — these are both the objective and process. Sikhs aim to recognize the divinity within everyone and everything they encounter, and this daily practice helps the individual cultivate and embody the qualities of oneness and love.
Sikhs believe that the Creator permeates all of Creation and that every individual is filled with the same divine potential. The Sikh tradition emphasizes the collective familyhood of all humanity and challenges all social inequalities, including those on the basis of class, caste, gender, and profession.
Realizing oneness and love within one’s life also compels the individual to seek unity with the world around them. The tradition urges its followers to live as a sant-sipahi (warrior-saint), one who strikes a balance of cultivating spirituality while also contributing socially through community service.

3. The real meaning of “guru.”

The word “guru” literally means “enlightener,” and while it has come to refer to an expert in any domain (e.g., basketball guru, real estate guru), it carries a particular institutional meaning within the Sikh tradition. In Sikhism, “guru” refers to the line of authority, beginning with a set of 10 prophets who established and led the Sikh community. The first of these, Guru Nanak, was born in 1469 CE, and the tenth in his line, Guru Gobind Singh, breathed his last in 1708 CE.
Before he passed, Guru Gobind Singh passed the leadership to joint entities — the Guru Granth Sahib (the scriptural canon) and the Guru Khalsa Panth (the community of initiated Sikhs). Sikhs revere these two as occupying the throne of the Guru for eternity.

4. The Guru Granth Sahib is a unique scripture.

The authority accorded to the Guru Granth Sahib certainly sets it apart from other scriptural texts of the major world religions. The Guru Granth Sahib also defies common expectations of scripture in other ways.
The Guru Granth Sahib was compiled by the Sikh Gurus themselves and is primarily comprised of writings composed by the Gurus. This collection also includes the devotional writings of other religious figures, including Muslim Sufis and Hindu Bhaktas.
Unlike the prose narratives that make up a majority of western scriptures, the Guru Granth Sahib is made up entirely of devotional poetry, most of which is set to music. These writings are primarily made up of expressions of divine experiences and wisdom on religious cultivation. These writings have played a central role in Sikh practice since the time of Guru Nanak — Sikh worship consists of singing these compositions in both private and congregational settings.

5. The Sikh Gurus presented a pluralistic worldview.

As evidenced by the inclusion of writings from other religious figured within the Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh Gurus did not believe in religious exclusivism. Rather, their pluralistic worldview posited that one could reach the Realization from any religious tradition. Sikhism teaches that diverse paths can lead to the divine, as long as the individual traverses the path with love. Because of this pluralistic outlook, Sikhism has no real history of missionizing or proselytizing.
While some misinterpret this pluralism as promoting cultural relativism, it is important to note that the Gurus also emphasized the importance of following an accomplished leader and maintaining religious discipline. Sikhism does not encourage the increasingly popular models of “a la carte religion” or “spiritual-but-not-religious,” though admittedly Sikh jurisprudence is relatively less complex than most religious traditions.

6. Sikhs have a long history of standing for justice.

Guru Nanak modeled social engagement by critiquing social inequalities, building institutions that serve and empower the disenfranchised, and publicly critiquing political oppression. The subsequent Gurus preserved and built upon the foundations laid by Guru Nanak. For example, the ninth among them, Guru Tegh Bahadur, observed Mughal state authorities forcefully converting its Hindu constituents. Although this oppression targeted a religious community to which he did not belong and whose beliefs he did not share, Guru Tegh Bahadur stood up firmly for their right to practice religion freely — and the state responded by publicly executing Guru Tegh Bahadur.
The Sikh community has drawn inspiration and guidance from such examples over the years, and it has demonstrated a commitment to justice in various ways. Sikhs are taught to defend the defenseless and have historically led responses to political oppression. Sikhs have therefore been regularly targeted by the political elite, a cycle that continues to play out in present-day India.

7. Sikhs maintain a unique identity.

Since the formative moments of the tradition, Sikhs have maintained a physical identity that makes them stand out in public, even in the context of South Asia. This identity includes five articles of faith — kesh (unshorn hair), kanga (small comb), kara (steel bracelet), kirpan (religious article resembling a knife), and kachera (soldier-shorts) — and distinguishes someone who has formally committed to the values of the faith by accepting initiation.
While many have attempted to ascribe functionalist rationales for each of these articles, these understandings do not capture the connections that Sikhs have with these articles. Perhaps the best analogy (though admittedly an imperfect one) is that of a wedding ring: one cannot reduce the significance of a wedding ring to its instrumental value; rather, one cherishes the wedding ring because it is a gift of love from one’s partner. Similarly, Sikhs cherish their articles of faith primarily because they see them as a gift from their beloved Guru. Trying to understand these articles on the basis of their function is missing the point.
Perhaps the most visible aspect of the Sikh identity is the turban, which can be worn by men and women alike. The turban was historically worn by royalty in South Asia, and the Gurus adopted this practice as a way of asserting the sovereignty and equality of all people. For a Sikh, wearing a turban asserts a public commitment to maintaining the values and ethics of the tradition, including service, compassion, and honesty.

8. Sikhism believes in absolute equality.

Sikhism was founded on the concept of oneness and justice, and the Gurus adamantly rejected all social inequalities. While women continue to be subjugated in modern South Asia, the Sikh Gurus rebuked discriminatory practices that marginalized women (e.g., sati, purdah) and openly placed women in leadership positions.
Along these lines, the Gurus established new practices to challenge social norms, such as India’s caste system, that perpetuated social inequalities. For instance, the tenth Guru asked all Sikhs to abandon their last names — which identified one’s caste — and asked them all to take on a collective last name reserved for royal families to signify the inherent equality and nobility of every individual: Kaur for women and Singh for men. Similarly, the Gurus established the institution of langar, a free meal provided at the gurdwara that is open to one and all. During this meal, everyone sits together on the ground, regardless of caste, social status, gender, or religious background.

9. Darbar Sahib of Amritstar is the epicenter of the Sikh psyche.

Known to westerners as the Golden Temple, Darbar Sahib of Amritsar, Punjab has served as the center for the Sikh community since its founding more than four centuries ago. Sikh theologian Sirdar Kapur Singh referred to Darbar Sahib as “the theo-political capital of Sikhs.” This phrase captures the role of this site as both a spiritual center where the community gathers to worship as well as a political throne where collective decisions have been made.
It is inaccurate to refer to Darbar Sahib as “a sacred space” or as “Sikhism’s holiest site.” Sikh theology recognizes that divinity permeates the entire world equally and therefore does not recognize any particular space to be uniquely sacred or holy. At the same time, Darbar Sahib does occupy a special place in the collective Sikh psyche. The site has witnessed a number of significant historical events, from the return of the sixth Guru after a stint in prison and the first public enthronement of the Sikh scripture during the 17th century to massacres of thousands of civilians and the burning of historical artifacts and relics by the Indian Army in 1984.

10. Sikhs have made immense contributions to American society.

From the time of their arrival in the late 1800s, Sikh men and women have been making notable contributions to American society. Early immigrants settled in the western frontier, where they played a major role in building America’s railroads. Sikh Americans like Bhagat Singh Thind served in the U.S. military during the World Wars, and the first Asian American Congressman was a Sikh American elected to office in 1957. The inventor of fiber optics is a Sikh American, as is the country’s largest peach grower, the mayor of Charlottesville, Virginia, and Morgan Freeman’s personal physician. Sikh American women continue to make diverse contributions, such as Grammy-winning artist Snatam Kaur, commercial airline pilot Arpinder Kaur, and Columbia University professor Supreet Kaur.

Image courtesy of OlegD /

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Great Windows 10 Themes


With the introduction of tons of new features, Windows 10 also came with many new themes in addition to the old ones in the store. You can download hundreds of themes right from the official Microsoft website for free! There are themes available of all types, like Animals, Natural Wonders, Art, and Games. All the themes are of high resolution with tons of wallpapers and a unique design. Each theme contains 5 to 25 wallpapers along with a unique window color and sounds. The window color is used for highlighting, dialog borders and settings of Windows 10.
Although there are many themes, but for this list, we have selected the best Windows 10 themes based on window color and amazing wallpapers. You will find the best theme from every category here, just choose the one you like and download it for free.

Best Windows 10 Themes

1. Aurora Borealis

Best Windows 10 themes (2)
This theme contains wallpapers of beautiful sceneries of Aurora over the different areas of Iceland and Norway creating an amazing view. It contains total 8 wallpapers, showing Aurora over the ice, sea and the mountains. The theme’s wallpapers are a bit dark as the pictures are taken at the night (Aurora can only be seen at night).
The window color is in sea green color, similar to the Aurora in the wallpapers. The theme will turn the background of Windows 10 settings into black with the content in sea green. The wallpapers will automatically replace after every 5 minutes or you can manually switch them from the context menu.

2. Twilight and Starlight panoramic theme

Best Windows 10 themes (11)
This theme is a combination of different types of themes in a single bundle. The theme is specifically created for dual monitors where it will show the complete wallpaper. Although, it will still work on single monitors, but the results will not be as pleasing. The wallpapers are random like, galaxy, meadows, wind mills, stars and Railroad Bridge.
There is a separate window color for each wallpaper, for example, for the Railroad Bridge wallpaper, the window color is gray and for meadows wallpaper, it is orange. On a dual monitor, the wallpapers will auto adjust according to the resolutions of both monitors.

3. Beautiful Birds theme

Best Windows 10 themes (4)
If you are a big fan of birds, then you really need to try out this beautiful theme. The theme consists of wallpapers of unique birds from all around the world in charming postures. You will find all sorts of birds wallpapers here, like Flamingos, Kingfisher, Swan, Peacocks and hummingbird.
The window color is light blue giving a mesmerizing touch to all the birds wallpapers. The theme consists of total 15 wallpapers and all wallpapers are of high resolution. It also contains some body parts of birds, like peacock feathers, so not all of the wallpapers are just plain pictures of birds.

4. GTGraphics theme

Best Windows 10 themes (8)
This theme is completely based on galaxy and futuristic technology. The theme doesn’t contain any real imagery of our galaxy, instead it contains breathing taking designs by artists. You will find tons of images such as, sunrise in the galaxy, Planets being destroyed by a giant laser, a galactic city, mountains and meteor shower on Earth.
It contains total 16 wallpapers with astounding quality. Although, all the wallpapers have GTGraphics watermark on them, so it might be a bit teasing. The window color is orange that goes very well with the fiery wallpapers in this theme.

5. Marbles theme

Best Windows 10 themes (9)
Marbles themes is another piece of art with clever imagery of colorful marbles. The artist has utilized light, shadows and colorful marbles to create simple but eye opening imagery. Most of the wallpapers contain colorful groups of marbles under light or in closure to give an attractive look. There are also some plain marbles with shadow cast to give a astounding look.
There are total 11 mesmerizing wallpapers of high quality. The window color is standard blue like many other themes, but still it goes well with some shadow based marble themes.

6. Forza Motorsport 4 theme

Best Windows 10 themes (6)
This theme is based on the popular game Forza Motorsport 4, and its wallpapers are actually from the game itself. If you are Forza Motorsport 4 or even automotive fan, then this will definitely charm you. The theme contains wallpapers of amazing cars with different backgrounds or inside of a car. Some of the cars include, Koenigsegg Agera, Mercedes, Jaguar, Mclaren, BMW and Ferrari.
The window color is gray matching perfectly with wallpapers of the Forza Motorsport 4 theme. There are total 17 high resolution wallpapers and all of them have Forza Motorsport 4 written at the bottom.

7. Child of Light theme

Best Windows 10 themes (12)
Another video game based Windows 10 theme, inspired by the popular game Child of Light by Ubisoft. As the game is based on watercolors, so you will find all the wallpaper pictures based on watercolors. There are total 19 wallpapers containing images of world of Lemuria. The images consists of haunting forests, city, a village, houses, bridge and indoor.
The window color of the theme is standard blue, and it goes well with some of the wallpapers in this theme. However, there is a Child of Light watermark on each of the wallpaper, located at the top right corner. If that is not annoying for you, then this could be a great fantasy theme for you.

8. Morning theme

Best Windows 10 themes (10)
Morning theme is based on early morning when the sun rises and casts it rays over beauty of nature. The theme is a combination of nature and wildlife, which are somehow connected to the early morning. There are 8 wallpapers and all of them contain sunshine one way or another. There are images of, birds, insects, sun rays over river banks, plants and meadows.
The window color is in parrot green color, which goes exceptionally well with the greenery and sun rays based theme. All pictures are taken by photographer Popkov Alexandr who’s watermark can also be seen on each wallpaper.

9. Frozen Formations theme

Best Windows 10 themes (7)
Frozen Formations theme for Windows 10, as the name suggests is a theme based on beautiful sceneries of ice creating breathtaking art. You will find wallpapers containing, Ice caves, beautiful yet deadly icicles, Sun rays over the ice, waterfall along with ice and beautiful icebergs.
There are 12 wallpapers of icy wonders and the window color is mist blue. With the bluish color of ice, this window color couples very well. The theme is a combination of both light and dark wallpapers, so you can easily choose the one according to your need.

10. Beautiful Queensland theme

Best Windows 10 themes (5)
This theme’s wallpapers contain pictures of the beautiful Queensland, a state of Australia. You will gain access to beautiful imagery from every corner of Queensland taken by photographer Tracie Louise. Wallpapers consist of images of Beach, fields, rivers and waterfalls. Most of the wallpapers are quite colorful, but there are some black and white too that are quite attractive as well.
There are total 19 beautiful wallpapers in high resolution. The window color is gray, which goes well with most of the colors, so you will find any awkwardness while navigating. Although, Tracie Louise watermark will be located at the lower left corner of each wallpaper.

11. In Search of Incredible theme

Best Windows 10 themes (1)
This is a classic Windows 10 theme related to music and all wallpapers are black and white. The images are photographed by Don McCullin who has partnered with ASUS and Intel for such amazing pictures. There are pictures of musical instruments, hanging Microphone, an old record shop and a spinning record.
The window color is gray that obviously suits black and white color very well. Although there are only 7 wallpapers, but all of them are unique piece of art. However, each wallpaper has a ASUS and Intel watermark that might not be comfortable for some people.

12. Beach Sunsets theme

Best Windows 10 themes (3)
As the name suggests, this theme contains wallpapers of sunset over different beaches. You will see pictures of popular beaches of California and Hawaii during the sunset. These beaches include Dillon Beach, Bodega Head, Kihei, LaHaina and Sonoma Coast.
All the pictures are taken by photographer Josh Sommers and you will find his signature on each wallpaper. The window color is light blue and blends in well with the water in the pictures. Furthermore, there are total 15 pictures and there are more than one picture of a particular beach.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Top 30 Most Interactive Tech Blogs


Discover the findings of our report / analysis.
The object of this study was to examine contents of blogs chosen from Tech Blogs list - powered by (20th of October). We examined 5128 blog posts created from 14th to 20th October 2013. They were commented (on-site) 107241 times. On average, users created 21 comments per article. At the same time people shared those articles with their friends/followers/subscribers from Facebook and Twitter- 415 266 and 895 462 times respectively.

We created 14 categories to measure interactivity: average onsite comments per post, total onsite comments, total Facebook likes, total Facebook shares, total Facebook comments, average Facebook likes per post, average Facebook shares per post, average Facebook comments per post, average Facebook interactions (total) per post, total Twitter shares, average Twitter shares per post, total Twitter + Facebook interactions , average Twitter + FB interactions per post.

The blogs that appear most frequently in the top 5 for the mentioned categories are: (13 times), (12), (12) and (11). always takes either first or second place, whenever it shows up in one of categories.

In the analyzed period generated the highest number of interactions (more than blogs number 2 and 3 combined). was the most engaging blog on Facebook, where it generated nearly 120k FB comments. It would be more than all other chosen blogs altogether, if it wasn’t for, which generated more than 95k comments.

The Verge and Gizmodo lead the way in terms of number of regular/onsite comments with well over 20 000 total comments each. was the most active blog, generating almost as many posts as blogs number 2-5 combined. was the most onsite-engaging blog with an average of 149 comments per article .

Mashable and BusinessInsider generated the majority of Facebook Likes during our analysis. Both generated about 250k fb likes. It is especially impressive for Mashable which generated more Facebok likes than BusinessInsider while generating 3 times fewer posts.

When it comes to Facebook shares, is the victorious blog with nearly 150k shares. owes its victory in this category to its high number of average Facebook Shares per article (407 comments per post).

Twitter users mostly shared articles from and, which generated altogether over 450k shares. In comparison, all other blogs combined generated around 440k shares.
Full results.
View the full results for our Tech Blogs interactivity analysis.
Winners of the Most Interactive Tech Blogs Awards.
Mashable is a leading source for news, information & resources for the Connected Generation. Mashable reports on the importance of digital innovation and how it empowers and inspires people around the world. Mashable's 22 million monthly unique visitors and 13 million social media followers have become one of the most engaged digital networks in the world.

  • 852 149 total interactions
  • 363 blog posts
  • 2343 average social media interactions per post
  • 340 757 total Twitter shares
  • 147 696 total Facebook shares
The Verge was founded in 2011 in partnership with Vox Media, and covers the intersection of technology, science, art, and culture. Its mission is to offer in-depth reporting and long-form feature stories, breaking news coverage, product information, and community content in a unified and cohesive manner. The site is powered by Vox Media's Chorus platform, a modern media stack built for web-native news in the 21st century.

  • 203 304 total interactions
  • 279 blog posts
  • 21 841 total on-site comments
  • 70 803 total Twitter shares
  • 33 101 total Facebook shares
Business Insider is a fast-growing business site with deep financial, media, tech, and other industry verticals. The flagship vertical, Silicon Alley Insider, launched on July 19, 2007, led by DoubleClick founders Dwight Merriman and Kevin Ryan and former top-ranked Wall Street analyst Henry Blodget.

  • 602 705 total interactions
  • 1153 blog posts
  • 20 992 total on-site comments
  • 98 867 total Twitter shares
  • 125 120 total Facebook shares is a website focused on Apple news and rumors. MacRumors attracts a broad audience of both consumers and professionals interested in the latest technologies and products. The site also boasts an active community focused on purchasing decisions and technical aspects of the iPhone, iPod and Macintosh platforms.

  • 27 161 total interactions
  • 42 blog posts
  • 6237 total on-site comments
  • 7404 total Twitter shares
  • 1822 total Facebook shares

About the analysis.

The object of this analysis was to examine contents of blogs chosen from Top Tech Blogs list (powered by / 20th of October). We examined 5128 blog posts created from 14th to 20th October 2013. They were commented (on-site) 107241 times. On average users created 21 comments per article. At the same time people shared those articles with their friends from Facebook and Twitter 415 266 and 895 462 times accordingly. 

We analysed 2 476 124 interactions related to Top 30 Tech Blogs (according to / 20th of October 2013). The analysis was created using data collected by Brand24 social media monitoring and analytics tool.                             

Everything You Need to Know About Your Salary Slip


Every month, your finance department will send you a salary slip once the salary gets paid out.
For most people, the importance of salary slip is only when they apply for a loan or a new credit card. Otherwise, the confusing terms and figures seem like a puzzle you don’t want to solve.
But here’s why you might want to understand your salary slip better.
  • Choose smartly from competing offers when you are looking to switch jobs
  • Optimize tax liability by making full use of the deductions available
  • Understand what percentage of your salary is forced savings (EPF, ESI etc.)

The income part of your salary slip

#1: Basic Salary
It’s the most important component of your salary and generally comprises 35-50 % of your total salary. Most of the other components are structured around it.

Tax Implications: 100% taxable
Adds to in-hand? Yes

# 2. House Rent Allowance:

It’s an allowance to pay your house rent. Normally, HRA is 40-50 % of the basic, based on your location (metro or non-metro).
Tax Implications: You get tax exemption based on whichever of the following is lower
  • 40% of your basic pay
  • Actual rent minus 10 % of basic
  • HRA component specified on your salary slip
Adds to in-hand? Generally Yes

# 3. Conveyance Allowance:

It’s paid by the company towards cost of travel from home to work and back and is exempt from Income tax.

Tax Implications: Rs 1600 per month or the conveyance allowance component in your salary slip, whichever is lower, is exempted from tax.

Adds to in-hand? Yes, depending on how much you actually spend.

# 4. Leave Travel Allowance:

It’s given by employers to cover the cost of employee travel while on leave. It includes travel expenses of your immediate family members as well.

Tax Implications: Proof of journey required to avail deduction subject to certain limits. Any expenses incurred during the trip apart from travel does not count towards your LTA tax exemption. The exemption is also applicable only for 2 journeys undertaken in a block of 4 calendar years.

Adds to in-hand? No.

# 5. Medical Allowance:
It is given by employers to cover any medical expenses incurred during the period of employment. It is also generally a reimbursed expense and thus subject to providing proof of expense.

Tax Implications: The allowance is exempt up to 15,000 per annum subject to proof of expenses such as medical bills.

Adds to in-hand? Yes. If you fail to provide the proof, you still receive the amount, but will be fully taxed.

# 6.  Performance Bonus and Special Allowance:
It is given to reward or encourage employee performance and varies with performance or company guidelines.

Tax Implication: 100% Taxable

Adds to in-hand? Yes. It can be variable and therefore, difficult to assess as part of your in-hand.

Other Allowances: There are quite a few other kinds of allowances based on the industry or the company. Most such allowances are fully taxable. They might or might not add to your in-hand salary based on the conditions they are subject to.
Make sure you talk to the HR and get a clear understanding of the in-hand and tax implications of your salary components.

The deduction part of your salary slip

# 1. Provident Fund:
PF is typically 12% of your basic salary which is put into a government controlled body, Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation. Your contribution is typically matched by the company subject to certain maximum amount, defined as per the company policy.  You can also choose to opt out from the PF scheme.

How to lower this deduction? You can choose to opt out of the PF scheme. In case you opt out, make sure you invest it regularly in better investment options like equity mutual funds that gives you a higher return. If you are unsure of investing the money, it’s best to stay invested in PF.

# 2. Professional Tax:
This is payable only in the following states-Karnataka, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Gujarat, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Kerala, Meghalaya, Orissa, Tripura, Jharkhand, Bihar, and Madhya Pradesh. It normally amounts to just a few hundred rupees each month and is subject to your gross tax slab.
This amount is deducted from your taxable income.

How to lower this deduction? This deduction cannot be lowered.

# 3. Tax deductible at source:
This amount, which is decided based on your overall tax slab, is deducted on behalf of the income-tax department by your employer.

How to lower this deduction? You can reduce this burden by investing in tax savings instruments under Section 80 C or other sections under the IT act.

Things to keep in mind when comparing salary slips in offers:

# 1. Your basic salary is critical as most of your allowances will be based on that figure.
# 2. Look for special allowances and check whether they are performance or event based.

#3. Do not focus only on the in-hand salary. Look at the other benefits the company provides (health insurance, accident insurance, free food, bus transport, better career growth) which might outmatch a higher in-hand salary offer from some other company